USDQC Friday Night Survival #237 - Literalism (Part I)

2024-03-13 • Lil_Ruff • (USDQC News)           

Date: Friday March 15th, 2024
Session: 20.00 CDT

Details and comments

For this week we have Literalism, a 26-level community project led by MFG38 released in 2021. The goal of the wad was to have a randomly generated map title that acts as the basis or inspiration for the mappers. The mappers were given 1 month to complete the map. I would say with such requirements, there is potential for many variances in terms of level design, aesthetics, and difficulty. While that may be, this wad did receive an honorable mention for the 2021 Cacowards. Join up for another round of FNS and experience this unique wad for yourself!

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