L | acs_always_preserve_globals: false | |
A | acsdebug_pcdcount: false | |
A | am_backcolor: 6c 54 40 | |
A | am_cdwallcolor: 4c 38 20 | |
am_cheat: 0 | ||
A | am_fdwallcolor: 88 70 58 | |
A | am_gridcolor: 8b 5a 2b | |
A | am_interlevelcolor: ff 00 00 | |
A | am_intralevelcolor: 00 00 ff | |
A | am_linethickness: 0 | |
A | am_lockedcolor: 00 78 00 | |
A | am_notseencolor: 6c 6c 6c | |
A | am_ovotherwallscolor: 00 88 44 | |
A | am_ovtelecolor: ff ff 00 | |
A | am_ovthingcolor: e8 88 00 | |
A | am_ovtrans: 1 | |
A | am_ovunseencolor: 00 22 6e | |
A | am_ovwallcolor: 00 ff 00 | |
A | am_ovyourcolor: fc e8 d8 | |
A | am_rotate: false | |
A | am_secretwallcolor: 00 00 00 | |
A | am_showitems: false | |
A | am_showmonsters: true | |
A | am_showsecrets: true | |
A | am_showtime: true | |
A | am_style: 0 | |
A | am_thingcolor: fc fc fc | |
A | am_tswallcolor: 88 88 88 | |
A | am_usecustomcolors: false | |
A | am_wallcolor: 2c 18 08 | |
A | am_xhaircolor: 80 80 80 | |
A | am_yourcolor: fc e8 d8 | |
AU | autoaim: 5000 | |
A - | autosavenum: 0 | |
A | bgdbrightness: 35 | |
A | bgdbrightnessim: 35 | |
A | bgdfade: 18 | |
A | bgdfadeim: 18 | |
bot_next_color: 11 | ||
bot_observer: false | ||
A | bullet_puffs: true | |
A | chase_dist: 90 | |
A | chase_height: -8 | |
A | chaseview: false | |
A | chatlog_showmsgtype: true | |
A | chatlog_timestamps: true | |
A | chatmacro0: No | |
A | chatmacro1: I'm ready to kick butt! | |
A | chatmacro2: I'm OK. | |
A | chatmacro3: I'm not looking too good! | |
A | chatmacro4: Help! | |
A | chatmacro5: You suck! | |
A | chatmacro6: Next time, scumbag... | |
A | chatmacro7: Come here! | |
A | chatmacro8: I'll take care of it. | |
A | chatmacro9: Yes | |
A | cl_blinkdommsg: true | |
A | cl_bloodsplats: true | |
A | cl_bloodtype: 0 | |
A | cl_chasedeath: true | |
A | cl_colorrails: 1 | |
A | cl_ctfpickupflash: 3 | |
A | cl_maxbodies: 16 | |
A | cl_maxdecals: 1024 | |
A | cl_missiledecals: true | |
A | cl_pufftype: 0 | |
A | cl_rankspread: true | |
A | cl_rockettrails: 0 | |
A | cl_run: true | |
A | cl_showdeadscore: true | |
A | cl_showeventmsg: true | |
A | cl_showhud: true | |
A | cl_showmultikills: true | |
A | cl_showpaused: true | |
A | cl_showpovname: true | |
A | cl_showpressuse: true | |
A | cl_showsprees: true | |
A | cl_showtargets: true | |
A | cl_spreaddecals: true | |
A | cl_timeleft: false | |
A | cl_timeleft_x: 0 | |
A | cl_timeleft_y: 0 | |
A | cl_turndeathcam: true | |
A | cl_unlag_lowping: 1 | |
A | classic_look: false | |
A | client_ar: 0 | |
AU | color: 40 cf 00 | |
compat_shorttex: true | ||
A | con_centernotify: false | |
A | con_ctrl_d: | |
A | con_midtime: 3 | |
A | con_notifytime: 3 | |
A | con_savehist: false | |
A | con_scaleacsprint2: false | |
A | con_scaletext: false | |
A | con_timestamps: false | |
A | conbgdbrightness: 25 | |
A | conbgdfade: 18 | |
A | conbgdinsta: true | |
A | conbgdshaded: true | |
coop_col1: 1 | ||
coop_col2: 2 | ||
coop_col3: 3 | ||
coop_col4: 5 | ||
coop_col5: 6 | ||
coop_col6: 7 | ||
coop_col7: 8 | ||
coop_col8: 0 | ||
coop_col9: 0 | ||
coop_col10: 0 | ||
coop_telefrags: false | ||
A | crosshair: 0 | |
A | crosshaircolor: ff 00 00 | |
A | crosshairgrow: false | |
A | crosshairhealth: true | |
A | crosshairscale: false | |
A | crosshairsize: 1 | |
- | cv_gmtime: 0 | |
- | cv_localtime: 0 | |
A | demo_ar: 0 | |
A | demo_autoplaylist: false | |
A | demo_chapterspacing: 20 | |
A | demo_freeview: true | |
A | demo_panel: 2 | |
A | demo_prioritizeplayers: true | |
A | demo_progressbar: true | |
A | demo_progresscolor: e1 cb 76 | |
A | demo_progressheight: 3 | |
demo_speed: 1 | ||
A | developer: 0 | |
A | dimamount: 0.2 | |
A | dimcolor: ff d7 00 | |
A | disableautosave: 0 | |
dm_col1: 1 | ||
dm_col2: 2 | ||
dm_col3: 4 | ||
dm_col4: 6 | ||
dm_col5: 7 | ||
dm_col6: 0 | ||
dm_col7: 0 | ||
A | dmflags2: 0 | |
A | dmflags3: 0 | |
A | dmflags: 0 | |
A | enemy_color: ff ff 00 | |
A | fopt_acsprintbig: 2 | |
A | fopt_acsprintsmall: 20 | |
A | fopt_centered: 21 | |
A | fopt_console: 20 | |
A | fopt_event: 22 | |
A | fopt_large: 2 | |
A | fopt_scores: 21 | |
A | fopt_sitrep: 20 | |
A | fopt_small: 20 | |
A | fopt_vote: 20 | |
forcewater: false | ||
fraglimit: 0 | ||
A | freelook: false | |
gametype: 2 | ||
A | Gamma: 1.5 | |
genblockmap: false | ||
AU | gender: male | |
- | get_consoleplayer: 0 | |
- | get_displayplayer: 0 | |
- | get_hudsize_extend: 0 | |
- | get_pitch: 0 | |
- | get_player_blueflag: 0 | |
- | get_player_maxkills: 0 | |
- | get_player_maxfrags: 0 | |
- | get_player_maxdamage: 0 | |
- | get_player_redflag: 0 | |
- | get_player_greenflag: 0 | |
- | get_player_whiteflag: 0 | |
- | get_x: 0 | |
- | get_y: 0 | |
- | get_yaw: 0 | |
- | get_z: 0 | |
hostname: | ||
A | idmypos: false | |
A | in_keyboard: 0 | |
A | in_mouse: 0 | |
infighting: 0 | ||
A | invertmouse: false | |
A | item_respawn_time: 0 | |
join_password: | ||
joinable_teams: 15 | ||
A | joy_rbias: 0 | |
A | joy_rfunction: 0 | |
A | joy_rsensitivity: 1 | |
A | joy_rthreshold: 0.15 | |
A | joy_speedmultiplier: 1 | |
A | joy_ubias: 0 | |
A | joy_ufunction: 0 | |
A | joy_usensitivity: 1 | |
A | joy_uthreshold: 0.15 | |
A | joy_vbias: 0 | |
A | joy_vfunction: 0 | |
A | joy_vsensitivity: 1 | |
A | joy_vthreshold: 0.15 | |
A | joy_xbias: 0 | |
A | joy_xfunction: 3 | |
A | joy_xsensitivity: 1 | |
A | joy_xthreshold: 0.15 | |
A | joy_ybias: 0 | |
A | joy_yfunction: 1 | |
A | joy_ysensitivity: -1 | |
A | joy_ythreshold: 0.15 | |
A | joy_zbias: 0 | |
A | joy_zfunction: 0 | |
A | joy_zsensitivity: 1 | |
A | joy_zthreshold: 0.15 | |
killlimit: 0 | ||
A | language: auto | |
A | log_timestamps: false | |
A | lookspring: true | |
A | lookstrafe: false | |
A | m_filter: false | |
A | m_forward: 0 | |
A | m_noprescale: false | |
A | m_pitch: 1 | |
A | m_side: 2 | |
A | m_yaw: 1 | |
maxlives: 0 | ||
maxlostsouls: 21 | ||
maxteams: 4 | ||
A | mic_scale: 1 | |
A | mic_show: 1 | |
A | mic_x: -49 | |
A | mic_y: 150 | |
A | minidump_policy: 2 | |
minplayers: 0 | ||
A | motd_duration: 15 | |
A | mouse_capturemode: 1 | |
A | mouse_sensitivity_x: 1.5 | |
A | mouse_sensitivity_y: 1.5 | |
AU | movebob: 0.25 | |
AU | movebobviewheight: true | |
A | msg: 0 | |
A | msg0color: 6 | |
A | msg1color: 5 | |
A | msg2color: 2 | |
A | msg3color: 3 | |
A | msg4color: 0 | |
A | msg5color: 5 | |
A | msgmidcolor: 5 | |
AU | name: Player | |
A | netstats: 0 | |
A | nextprevpwo: false | |
A | nofilecompression: false | |
noise: false | ||
npref_weapon_1: 6 | ||
npref_weapon_2: 5 | ||
npref_weapon_3: 8 | ||
npref_weapon_4: 4 | ||
npref_weapon_5: 3 | ||
npref_weapon_6: 9 | ||
npref_weapon_7: 2 | ||
npref_weapon_8: 1 | ||
npref_weapon_9: 7 | ||
npref_weapon_10: 0 | ||
A | opl_enable: false | |
A | opl_frequency: 49716 | |
A | opl_onechip: false | |
opl_singlevoice: false | ||
overtime: 1 | ||
password: | ||
AU | pickup_switch_method: 2 | |
A | pip: true | |
A | pip_width: 160 | |
A | pip_x: -160 | |
A | pip_y: 20 | |
AU | playerclass: Fighter | |
A | png_gamma: 0 | |
A | png_level: 5 | |
AU | pwo: 6584392170 | |
A | r_columnmethod: 0 | |
A | r_drawfuzz: true | |
A | r_eyecandy: true | |
A | r_force320x200: false | |
A | r_keepaspectratio: true | |
A | r_letterbox_percent: 100 | |
A | r_lowdetail: false | |
A | r_pillarbox_percent: 100 | |
A | r_slimetrail_fix: true | |
A | r_stretchsky: true | |
- | r_viewsize: *** NOTE: This CVAR is set during runtime. | |
A | r_zdoomtrans: false | |
A | radar: 3 | |
A | radar_dot: 3 | |
A | radar_scale: 1 | |
A | radar_size: 128 | |
A | radar_x: -128 | |
A | radar_y: 0 | |
removebotswhenhumans: 0 | ||
A | retain_console: false | |
AU | sb_cols_coop: 1235678000 | |
AU | sb_cols_dm: 1246700 | |
A | scope_range: 2 | |
A | scope_scale: false | |
A | scope_size: 1 | |
A | scope_zoom: true | |
A | scorebgd: true | |
A | screenblocks: 10 | |
A | screenshot_quiet: false | |
A | screenshot_scores: false | |
A | secretmessage: 0 | |
A | show_messages: true | |
A | showcountries: true | |
A | sitrep: 1 | |
A | sitrep_xofs: 0 | |
A | sitrep_yofs: 0 | |
skill: 2 | ||
AU | skin: base | |
A | snd_3d: false | |
A | snd_annvolume: 1 | |
A | snd_buffersize: 0 | |
A | snd_channels: 12 | |
A | snd_chat: 0 | |
A | snd_chatvolume: 1 | |
A | snd_driver: 0 | |
A | snd_flipstereo: false | |
A | snd_fpumixer: false | |
A | snd_mastervolume: 0.5 | |
A | snd_matrix: false | |
A | snd_mididevice: -1 | |
A | snd_midiprecache: true | |
A | snd_midivolume: 0.5 | |
A | snd_musicvolume: 0.3 | |
A | snd_muteoutoffocus: 0 | |
A | snd_output: default | |
A | snd_pitched: false | |
A | snd_privchat: 0 | |
A | snd_privchatvolume: 1 | |
A | snd_recdriver: 0 | |
A | snd_samplerate: 44100 | |
A | snd_sfxvolume: 0.5 | |
A | snd_surround: true | |
A | snd_tauntvolume: 1 | |
A | snd_teamchat: 0 | |
A | snd_teamchatvolume: 1 | |
A | snd_voicevolume: 1 | |
A | snd_waterreverb: true | |
spam_limit: 4 | ||
spam_window: 8 | ||
A | spc_amp: 1.875 | |
spy_trig_flag: 0 | ||
spy_trig_join: | ||
spy_trig_multikill: 0 | ||
spy_trig_secret: false | ||
spy_trig_spree: 0 | ||
A | st_scale: 1 | |
AU | stillbob: 0 | |
A | storesavepic: true | |
sv_aircontrol: 0.00390625 *** NOTE: ZDoom Default '0.00390625' / Classic Doom Default '0' | ||
sv_allow_target_names: false | ||
sv_allowzoom: false | ||
sv_ammomultiplier: 100 | ||
sv_aspectratio: 2 | ||
sv_barrelrespawn: false | ||
sv_berserkspawn: false | ||
sv_brightskins: false | ||
sv_cheats: false | ||
sv_ctf_old_convention: false | ||
sv_dbljump: false | ||
sv_falldamage: false | ||
sv_fastmonsters: false | ||
sv_forcerespawn: false | ||
sv_full_acsitem: true | ||
sv_fullscreen: false | ||
sv_gravity: 800 | ||
sv_hide_countries: false | ||
sv_infiniteammo: false | ||
sv_infiniteitems: false | ||
sv_insta_switch: false | ||
sv_instagib: false | ||
sv_instatele: false | ||
sv_intermission_skip: true | ||
sv_itemrespawn: false | ||
sv_keepkeys: false | ||
sv_keys_inteammodes: false | ||
sv_keys_stay: false | ||
sv_keys_teamkeys: false | ||
sv_mismatchgettable: false | ||
sv_monsterrespawn: false | ||
sv_multikeybinds: false | ||
sv_newthrust: false | ||
sv_niceweapons: false | ||
sv_no_team_starts: false | ||
sv_noarmor: false | ||
sv_nochasemode: false | ||
sv_nocrosshair: false | ||
sv_noepisodereset: false | ||
sv_noexit: false | ||
sv_noexitkill: false | ||
sv_nofreelook: false | ||
sv_nohealth: false | ||
sv_noitems: false | ||
sv_nojump: false | ||
sv_nomonsters: false | ||
sv_nopassover: false | ||
sv_nospy: false | ||
sv_nosuper: false | ||
sv_oldblast: false | ||
sv_olddeath: false | ||
sv_olddropoff: false | ||
sv_oldfalldamage: false | ||
sv_oldmissileclip: false | ||
sv_oldsoundcut: false | ||
sv_oldwallrun: false | ||
sv_oldweaponswitch: false | ||
sv_oldwepsound: false | ||
sv_powerful_monsters: false | ||
sv_resetinventory: false | ||
sv_respawnprotect: false | ||
sv_respawnsuper: false | ||
sv_samelevel: false | ||
sv_samespawnspot: false | ||
sv_silentbfg: false | ||
sv_spawnfarthest: false | ||
sv_specteamblock: false | ||
sv_splashfactor: 1 | ||
sv_strong_monsters: false | ||
A | sv_teamautoaim: 0 | |
sv_telemissiles: false | ||
sv_trace: false | ||
sv_unusualgettable: false | ||
sv_useblocking: false | ||
sv_vampire: false | ||
sv_voodoo_spawns: false | ||
sv_weapondrop: false | ||
sv_weaponstay: false | ||
sv_xwidescreen: false | ||
AU | switchtoempty: false | |
AU | team: 3 | |
teamdamage: 0 | ||
teamkilllimit: 0 | ||
A | teammate_color: 70 70 70 | |
teamscorelimit: 0 | ||
timelimit: 0 | ||
A | timer_format: 0 | |
A | timidity_8bit: false | |
A | timidity_byteswap: false | |
A | timidity_chorus: 0 | |
A | timidity_exe: timidity.exe | |
A | timidity_extargs: | |
A | timidity_frequency: 22050 | |
A | timidity_pipe: 60 | |
A | timidity_reverb: 0 | |
A | timidity_stereo: true | |
upass: | ||
AU | updfreq: 1 | |
A | use_joystick: false | |
A | use_mouse: true | |
var_friction: true | ||
var_pushers: true | ||
A | vid_blitmode: 1 | |
A | vid_capped_fps: true | |
A | vid_color_r: 0 | |
A | vid_color_g: 0 | |
A | vid_color_b: 0 | |
A | vid_defheight: 480 | |
A | vid_defwidth: 640 | |
A | vid_disk: false | |
A | vid_flatscale: 1 | |
vid_fps: 0 | ||
A | vid_mode: 0 | |
A | vid_monitor: 0 | |
A | vid_override_ar: false | |
A | vid_render_threads: 8 | |
A | vid_ssaa: 0 | |
A | vid_vsync: true | |
A | vid_windowmaximize: false | |
A | vid_windowx: 0 | |
A | vid_windowy: 0 | |
AU | voice: none | |
A | voice_allow: | |
A | voice_block: | |
A | voice_chat: 1 | |
A | voice_default_allow: true | |
A | voice_overdrive: 4 | |
A | voice_overdrive2: 4 | |
A | voice_quality: 4 | |
A | voice_shownames: true | |
A | voice_spectators: true | |
A | vote_compact: 0 | |
A | vote_xofs: 0 | |
A | vote_yofs: 0 | |
A | vpos_demo_descr: 0.8 | |
A | vpos_event: 0.2 | |
A | vpos_event2: 0.13 | |
A | vpos_msg: 0.4 | |
A | vpos_multi: 0.36 | |
A | vpos_overtime: 0.44 | |
A | vpos_spree: 0.28 | |
A | wi_percents: true | |
A | wipetype: 1 | |
A | zd_overridecolors: 0 | |
A | zd_useskins: 1 | |
zdoom_blockeverything: false | ||
A | zoom_sensitivity_constraint: true |