Windows 10 -> 11 - ZDaemon Client has no sound (Re-published)

2024-05-30 • AF-Domains • (Blogs - AF-Domains)           

There have been at least a couple of reports concerning there being no sound in the ZDaemon Client after updating from Windows 10 to 11.

EDIT: In Windows 11 (and perhaps cases in 10 due to deprecation) there are unfortunately problems when it comes to DirectSound (there are various reports for other games as well).

The in-client adjustment that will get around this problem is as follows:
1) Open the client
2) Bring down the console (Press ~)
3) Enter: snd_output "waveout"
4) Execute: snd_reset

You will then see a number of notices concerning sound being initialised.

Once that has been done, check to see whether there is any sound.

Thanks go to Alc_136 for highlighting this case.

A non-console function will be accounted for in the client at a later date.