Wadazine Flag Fest #137 - SUV CTF (Part III) ***NEW MAPSET***

2024-05-25 • AF-Domains • (Blogs - Wadazine)           

Date / Time: Sunday 26th May 2024 / 20:00 EDT (01:00 BST / 19:00 CDT)
Location: Dwango United New Jersey (or type Wadazine into the search tool)

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Welcome back to this week's edition of WFF! we will be playing the now-released final ten maps 23-32 on SUV CTF, a new CTF mapset!

This is made by two members of the [SUV] clan, 'RAV4' and 'CRV' - you may recognize them as they've played quite a few of these events recently!

Expect fast-paced intense gameplay - these maps are smaller on average than the ones we usually choose! Things may be a little more chaotic than usual, but a fun time will certainly be had!

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